Welcome to those who are new to the UNDERGROUND SHEPHERD Website. OK….Is there life for a pastor of 40 years after he leaves the stage? Yes, there is!! The opportunity for ministry in the Kingdom has limitless opportunities that never end. There are so many ways to advance His Kingdom and I can’t stop!!
It’s a new season for me since I pastored the Vineyard Nashville but I am still shepherding. Actually, I originally chose the name UNDERGROUND SHEPHERD for a blog or podcast because I think it describes what I do “off the stage”. I still care about the flock but I’m taking time “for the little one under his arm”, like the shepherd in the picture. A lot of my time is spent in encouraging and mentoring.
I have transitioned into a role as city missionary/ambassador, itinerant speaker, networker, ACT Nashville Pastoral Care Coordinator, media producer and I am re-engaging with national and international ministry, as I am invited. No time for a rocking chair for me! I also plan to try my hand at writing. God has been supplying through partnership with people who trust and believe in who I am and what I am called to do. Please give as you have the Father’s leading. So again, If you want to find out more…send your email address to contact@undergroundshepherd.com and receive my periodic updates with no obligation.